Continue to watch here as we add additional spiritual resources you might find useful. These tend to be faithful and faith-filled resources; however, do know that they will provide a variety of Christian perspectives. The are not necessarily the perspectives of First Presbyterian Church, the pastor, the officers, or the staff.
Devotional Resources
We invite you to make scripture reading and prayer a regular practice for you and/or your family.
PC(USA) Daily Prayer App for Apple iOS and Android on Google Play Store and Amazon App Store (access these links from your phone or tablet). This includes liturgy, prayer, and scripture readings for each day.
Find the same scripture readings as the app at Presbyterian World Mission.
Watch videos teaching the faith at the Bible Project or at their YouTube channel.
Sign-up for weekly emails from the Bible Project that will include daily videos, daily scripture passages, and daily psalms on which to meditate by clicking here.
Christian Education Resources
Resources for Education from PC(USA)’s Presbyterian Publishing Corporation (for all ages) available on their Facebook page
​includes weekly story, activities, and coloring pages for children
Kids World Bible lessons​
DLTK's Growing Together Bible Crafts and Resources
If you listen to podcasts, consider some of those listed below. Click on the link given or search for the title in your favorite Podcast player.
Ask NT Wright Anything. NT Wright is one of the most known New Testament Biblical scholars alive today but does well at taking what he knows in the academic realm and making it understandable to the average person.
Unbelievable? Justin Brierley hosts people of different faiths or on a variety of topics including Christian Apologetics (or rational justification of faith). These can get a bit more academic at times.
The Gospel Coalition podcasts.
The Disrupters sponsored by Christianity Today and InterVarsity.
The Robert J. Morgan Podcasts. This includes Biblical teaching often connected with U.S. or world history.
Christian Television, Movies, and Lectures
There are many different sources of Christian television, videos, and lectures. You might try one of the following...
Faithlife TV includes television shows, movies, and lectures. Sign-up for a free trial.
Right Now Media offers Bible study material and programs for children and youth. During this time of global concern, they are providing limited access for free.
Other Worship Services
Watch Souler Energy worship from First Presbyterian Church, Great Falls on KFBB-TV (ABC-affiliate, broadcast channel 5) at 9:30 am on Sundays (check your cable or satellite provider for the appropriate channel as necessary)