Community Outreach
CASA (Court Appointed Child Advocates)
In August 2022, they filled 20 backpacks with the recommended school supplies for distribution by the CASA program director to students in Kindergarten through High School. The team prepared 17 Easter baskets for children ages 1 to 16. Items have been purchased and the baskets will be filled and wrapped on March 21st, 2023. Pastor Judy blessed the baskets during worship service on March 26th, 2023, and they were be picked up by the CASA director on the 28th for distribution. In May, twenty-five pairs of children’s flip flops were provided for the CASA children. Most of July 2023 was spent preparing the school backpacks for children in the CASA program. With supply lists from the schools and careful shopping, the team filled 27 backpacks for children in kindergarten through high school. This was 10 backpacks more than the previous year 2022. Easter baskets for 15 boys and girls were picked up at the church by the director of the CASA program here in Conrad and delivered to the children in 2024. On August 7th, 2024, fifteen (15) backpacks were filled with the required school supplies for students in age groups K-12 in the CASA program. Nancy Powell joined us in the packing of the bags. The backpacks have been picked up by the director and are in the process of being distributed.
Community Outreach has provided airbeds and pumps, sheets, blankets, pillows, sweatpants and sweatshirts. Trac Phones were purchased as these phones, along with minutes purchased by the agency, provide safe communication for clients who are in critical and dangerous situations.​
The team has enjoyed meeting and getting to know the clients and volunteers through this outreach. This project also gives us an opportunity to meet, share treats and visit with the family members and friends who travel with the clients.
First Friday of every month they serve a meal from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM.
We have seen new faces at each month. We have seen folks in need that have heard of our community meal, either on the radio, in the newspaper and on Facebook and we are encouraged that they are participating.
This program is to teach students in grades 4 to 6 how to sew. 11 new machines were purchased for the class. This outreach has been blessed with the generous financial response from so many people, inside and outside of our church, for the purchase of these machines. Having all machines the same model enabled the instruction process to go more smoothly for the children and the instructors. There were 13 students in the sewing program. Students worked on a quilt project and finished up a major part of the sewing by the end of March. In April, the quilts were finished and ready for the students to take home. The children completed tote bag projects and concluded their sewing classes until next Fall with a trip to the drive-in for ice cream, compliments of their instructors, Karen and Helen. On their last day of classes on May 10th, the girls finished their 10 quilts and celebrated with ice cream treats at Olson’s Drug. There has been early interest from parents and children for participation in the classes this coming year, which will be beginning in September (date to be determined).
The program has provided set of receiving blankets, onesies, and PJs to the Health Department to distribute to clients enrolled in the WIC Program. Flannel fabrics were distributed also to our volunteer sewing ladies to be made into receiving blankets for layettes going to the Pondera Health Department for new mothers in the WIC program. Eight baby layettes were delivered May 2024 to the Pondera Co. Health Department for new mothers participating in the WIC (Women Infants Children) program. The team is grateful for the flannel blankets, sewn by Dolores W.
Partnered up with Conrad Public School to provide underwear, socks, t-shirts, hoodies, sweatpants and gym clothes for students at Meadowlark, Utterback, and Conrad High School Children’s Closet.
A global project of preparing hygiene kits for people experiencing poverty, natural disasters, homelessness, civil unrest, war and other life trauma. Gallon Ziploc bags will be filled, according to the list provided (hand towel, washcloth, bar soap, nail clipper, toothbrush, comb and 10 Band-Aids) A monetary gift of $2/kit to CWS accompany the kits to defray shipping costs.​ In July 2024, twenty-five (25) hygiene kits were prepared and mailed to the Little Rock Arkansas facility. These kits contain 7 items (hand towel, washcloth, Band-Aids, bar soap, nail clippers, comb, and a toothbrush) that are distributed to victims of natural disasters.
The Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes will be on display in October 2024 during coffee hour. This will be an opportunity to see the gifts going to the children and an opportunity to sponsor a shoebox for $25. The boxes will be tracked, and the team will be able to report the destinations sometime in early January. These boxes are delivered around the world with many going to children who have never experienced a Christmas gift.​​​​​​​​​​​​